Wednesday 18 November 2015

30 is the new 20

'How do you feel to be 30?' I have been asked by many as to how I feel on reaching the 30 years milestone. Well, the feeling is mixed, but be that as it may, I am trying to concede through sheer optimism that life after 30 is just going to be awesome. Naive and a starry eyed beginner, I ventured out into the world of my dreams, of uncharted odyssey hoping to find a purpose and a meaning in life. The very thought of being 30 years then, actually made me squirm. The tag of being a full fledged adulthood overwhelmingly weighed on my mind and not to mention the knot of anxiety of ageing that comes along as you hit 30 :). 30 is a big number! Yes, the prime age of grandeur and of having made a mark in life. Eight years of my career, I have lived through it all, the peaks and troughs and the feats in my line of work. In essence, my journey has been nothing short of a roller coaster ride. Today, I'm little more wiser, composed and level headed than I was a couple years ago,I am not anymore shackled by the fear of people's opinion of me. I have learnt to live out of my comfort zone and graciously stand my ground and follow my passion religiously. Today I feel more confident and self assured of who I am and the zeal for learning and hope to live my passion has just begun. I dream of starting a family, write books, to be the voice for the wild animals and to appear on the cover of the magazine as the woman of the year :) I have a whole new decade to live my dreams. Yes, 30 is the new 20!.

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